Why Don’T Tattoo Artists Use Numbing Cream?

There are a few reasons why tattoo artists don’t use numbing cream. The first reason is that it can actually make the tattoo process more difficult. Numbing cream can make the skin harder to work with and can also interfere with the ink’s ability to penetrate the skin.

Additionally, numbing cream can cause adverse reactions in some people, so it’s best to avoid using it if possible. Finally, many people believe that getting a tattoo is supposed to be painful, so they prefer to just go through the pain instead of using numbing cream.

There are a few reasons why tattoo artists don’t use numbing cream. The first reason is that it can actually interfere with the tattooing process. Numbing cream can make the skin too slippery, which makes it more difficult for the artist to work with.

Additionally, numbing cream can cause the ink to spread out and become blurry. Another reason why tattoo artists don’t use numbing cream is because it generally isn’t necessary. Tattooing is not a particularly painful experience, especially when compared to other body modification procedures like piercings or even elective surgery.

Most people report feeling only a minor discomfort during the tattooing process itself. So, while numbing cream may be helpful for some procedures, it’s generally not necessary (or recommended) for getting a tattoo.

Should People Use Numbing Cream? | Ask The Artist

Why Don’T They Use Numbing Cream for Tattoos?

There are a few reasons why numbing cream isn’t used for tattoos. Firstly, numbing cream can actually cause the ink to spread and create an uneven tattoo. Secondly, numbing cream can make it difficult for the artist to see what they’re doing, which could lead to a less than perfect tattoo.

Finally, numbing cream doesn’t always work – some people report that it barely makes a difference to the pain of getting a tattoo.

Will a Tattoo Artist Know If You Use Numbing Cream?

Yes, a tattoo artist will know if you use numbing cream. Numbing cream dulls the sensation of pain by temporarily numbing the skin. It’s important to tell your tattoo artist that you’re using numbing cream so they can adjust their technique accordingly.

Otherwise, you may not feel the needles as much, but your tattoo will likely be more painful afterwards since the numbing effect will wear off before the tattoo is finished.

Why Don'T Tattoo Artists Use Numbing Cream?

Credit: drnumb.com

Can Tattoo Artists Tell If You Use Numbing Cream

If you’ve ever wondered if your tattoo artist can tell if you use numbing cream, the answer is yes! Here’s how they can tell: 1. The numbing cream will make your skin feel different to the touch.

Tattoo artists are highly skilled at gauging how their clients’ skin feels, so they’ll definitely be able to tell if you’ve applied numbing cream. 2. Numbing cream often has a strong scent that tattoo artists will be able to smell. 3. If you use too much numbing cream, it can actually make the tattooing process more difficult and time-consuming for the artist.

This is because the numbing cream will make it harder for the ink to penetrate your skin. So, there you have it! If you’re planning on using numbing cream before getting a tattoo, just be aware that your artist will probably be able to tell.

Tattoo Shops That Use Numbing Cream

If you’re considering getting a tattoo, you may be wondering if numbing cream is an option. The short answer is yes! There are plenty of tattoo shops that use numbing cream to help ease the pain of getting a tattoo.

However, it’s important to note that numbing cream is not a miracle cure-all. It will not completely eliminate all pain associated with getting a tattoo. What it can do is help reduce the pain and make the experience more tolerable.

If you’re interested in using numbing cream during your tattoo session, be sure to discuss it with your artist beforehand. They’ll be able to let you know if they’re comfortable using it and what kind of results you can expect.

Does Numbing Cream Affect Tattoo Quality

If you’re considering numbing cream for your next tattoo, you might be wondering if it will affect the quality of your ink. Here’s what you need to know. Numbing cream is designed to numb the skin so that you don’t feel pain during a tattoo.

But does it also affect the quality of your ink? The simple answer is no. Numbing cream does not affect the quality of your tattoo in any way.

It won’t make your ink blotchy or fade faster. In fact, it can actually help your tattoo heal better because it prevents you from picking at it or scratching it during the healing process. So if you’re considering numbing cream for your next tattoo, rest assured knowing that it won’t affect the final result.


There are a few reasons why tattoo artists don’t use numbing cream. The first reason is that numbing cream can actually make the tattooing process more difficult. Numbing cream can cause the skin to swell, which makes it harder to work with.

It can also make the ink spread out more, making it harder to get a clean line. Additionally, numbing cream can wear off during the tattooing process, which can be very painful for the client. Another reason why tattoo artists don’t use numbing cream is because it isn’t necessary.

Tattooing is relatively quick and most people tolerate the pain well. If someone is really struggling with the pain, the artist can always take a break or use a different technique to help them through it. Additionally, many people find that getting tattoos actually becomes less painful over time as your body gets used to it.

In general, using numbing cream during tattooing just isn’t necessary and can actually make the process more difficult for both the artist and the client.